Thursday, April 19, 2007

back again

so im back again. We got a new dog the other day cos someone tried to steel our car sunday nite luckily sue barked and woke us up. They had pushed our car out of our car porch and pulled the door out and pulled the ignition our we heard them tryin to start it and then heard the radio we were so lucky so now we have to get the money together to fix the car it will cost a good bit. we decided to buy a bigger dog and got a malimute that was a steel they are usually 1000 but we got one for 550 with papers and all so we jumped at the chance.. Hes great we love him already and we onlt got him two days ago. He loves sue and sue is so happy that shes not alone all day anymore. Hes fast asleep in bed now, after a big long walk... hes great.Anyway im off for a relaxin bath so c ya....


Informatic said...

nice dog!!!

Donna Rae said...

I am really sorry to hear about your car:( He is really a beautiful guy.